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Earned time credits save money. Good Time saves lives.

People in Michigan serve more time in prison than anywhere else in the country.

It’s a long-standing best practice to allow incarcerated people to see the parole board earlier if they model positive behavior and engage in programming and education.

Michigan is one of only two states that has no policy for Good Time or earned time off credits– and as a result, people in Michigan serve sentences that are 40% longer than around the country, on average.

Now is time to bring back Good Time.

Now is time to bring back Good Time.

Good Time isn't just about individuals, it's about the families who eagerly await their return.

Learn more about the importance of Good Time

In these videos, you'll hear directly from individuals who are currently incarcerated, sharing personal stories of growth, rehabilitation, and hope, emphasizing how education, vocational training, and support programs have prepared them for successful reintegration into society. Additionally, we'll provide a platform for family, friends, and community members to express how the "Good Time" initiative has positively impacted their loved ones, highlighting the ripple effect of rehabilitation and the importance of second chances. Interviews with dedicated correctional officers will offer insights into how "Good Time" contributes to safer environments and the rehabilitation process within correctional facilities.

"Good Time" is a catalyst for transformation, fostering empathy and strengthening our commitment to criminal justice reform and community betterment.

Good Time Makes Sense

Now is time to bring back Good Time.

Now is time to bring back Good Time.

Good Time isn't just about individuals, it's about recognizing safer, more rehabilitative, and ultimately healthier correctional environments.


Gain a comprehensive understanding of why "Good Time" is not just a policy but a vital instrument for rehabilitation, community well-being, and criminal justice reform in Michigan. To reach a broader audience, garner support, and drive positive change in our criminal justice system, we need to ensure we are spreading the truth.

  • Good Time is incentive-based corrections management. Positive incentives are used everywhere in society from academic and athletic scholarships in education to bonus payments by employers for job performance to achievement awards and trophies in Hollywood and more ... we all recognize how positive incentives are used to encourage and promote good behavior and desired outcomes. Incentive-based policies are already in use in every one of our 83 county jails as well as in our probation system. It is time we offer these same proven policies in Michigan’s prison system.

  • The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) maintains behavioral records on individuals from the moment they enter custody. For example, these records are used by the parole board when making determinations regarding release. Because MDOC previously had a Good Time policy in force, all behavioral misconduct incidents are tracked and used to calculate an incarcerated individual's Good Time credits ... even though these credits are no longer awarded!

    The MJA proposed Good Time policy would require MDOC to review a person's institutional record and for every month a person had no major misconducts on their record, they would be given a sentence reduction credit of one month. An adjusted parole board hearing date can then be calculated. This calculation can be done with the existing data MDOC keeps on every incarcerated individual.

    Good Time allows someone to earn their way back home and back to being a productive member of society. A demonstrated history of improvement will speak for the changes a person has undergone and allow that person to be seen by the parole board sooner.

  • Saves Money

    Michigan is on track to spend over $2B on corrections again this year. By implementing a Good Time policy it is possible to wisely and safely reduce the size of our prison population. This action can result in prudent and judicious closing of select facilities among the 27 prisons currently in operation around the state.

    In 2022 Michigan enjoyed a savings of $48.9M by doing just that and more can be done. Many of these facilities have long outlived their projected lifespans. Maintenance and upkeep of aging infrastructure is much more expensive to our state so closing older facilities is good fiscal management. Good Time can save Michigan taxpayers money.

    Addresses Racial Disparity

    People of color are over-represented in our Michigan prisons as compared to the population of our state.

    Furthermore, when it comes to violent crimes (an ever-expanding category) people of color are far more likely to be charged and convicted for these crimes. It stands to reason that if these trends continue, the prison population will continue to increase with people of color and people of color will continue to be over-represented in ever larger numbers.

    Because the Good Time policy applies only to those serving a numerical sentence (e.g. Good Time does not apply to those serving a life sentence), the policy is applicable to all regardless of the charged crime. This will have a greater impact on the size of the population overall and hence addresses the larger problem of mass incarceration.

    However, Good Time will also return people of color home in greater numbers as they make up the majority of our prison population and therefore this can return some balance to the disproportionate number of incarcerated people of color as compared to the overall population of our state.

    Closes Corrections Officers Staff Shortage

    The Michigan Corrections Officers Union is facing shortages hovering close to 1,000+ positions every year. The union has been highlighting this problem as have many news articles and stories in the media. Corrections Officer (COs) are being mandated to work double shifts and are exhausted as a result. Furthermore, this violates MDOC policies regarding overtime work hours yet it continues. This represents a critical safety concern and our state legislature and leaders in Lansing are all well aware of this growing crisis.

    The important numbers to pay attention to are how many corrections officers are needed compared to the number of individuals in custody. There is a target ratio of COs to incarcerated citizens and we are not meeting that goal today. Good Time can help by reducing the number of people we incarcerate and allowing the number of COs needed per incarcerated citizen to get closer to the targets. The implementation of a Good Time policy does not need to result in the loss of employment for anyone (The two prison closures in 2022 did not reduce staff) and can help bring more safety into a struggling system close to the breaking point.

    Good Time Brings Hope

    More than anything, hope can change people’s hearts and lives. This applies not only to those in custody but also for the staff and administration who work closely with these incarcerated individuals. When the population in custody has hope it affects the entire atmosphere. If we truly care about seeing people corrected and restored then hope absolutely needs to be part of the plan and Good Time restores hope to an otherwise hopeless situation.

    If you would like to learn more or help the cause, visit:

    • No. This policy only changes the timeframe in which individuals will see the parole board. Individuals EARN time off their sentences, and they are still required to see a conservative parole board who will continue to have jurisdiction and make their determinations based on interviews, qualified risk assessments, and institutional behavior.

    • We agree that Michigan needs to do better in terms of supporting victims of crime.

    • 90% of victim services fund is federal money. If we took 10% of the corrections budget saved with Good Time, and put it into the victim services fund, we would double it overnight! With this increased funding, we would be able to support and promote real healing through therapy, trauma recovery services, mateial support, etc.

    • MDOC/ Michigan’s justice system does not provide any opportunities for restorative justice or interpersonal dialogue between people who have been harmed, and those who have done harm, despite victims saying they want these services.

    • We have to change our binary thinking. “Victims” and “offenders” are often not two separate individuals/ groups of people. Those who have been the most harmed are often those who do harm. Look no further than the women’s prison– the majority of the people incarcerated there have PTSD or other mental health issues from the trauma they’ve experienced throughout their lives. We believe that as victims who have caused harm, they also have a right to healing and redemption.

    • We lie to victims by telling them that the length of time we put someone in a cage equates to their healing. It does not. We want to challenge the notion that we are providing adequately for the victims by simply increasing lengths of sentences, and spending so much money on incarcerating people. Most people who have been victims of harm will tell you that healing comes through forgiveness. We believe in the power of redemption, supported dialogue, and transformative justice for all.

    • 48 other states have figured out how to give opportunities to earn time off a person’s sentence. The only two states who have not are Michigan and Wisconsin. Are people from Michigan less redeemable?

    • The process is essentially an algorithm. It’s a simple and straightforward math equation that will immediately relieve pressure on our bloated system. It does not require re-sentencings or additional court involvement.

    • There are INHERENT CARVE-OUTS in these bills. Michigan lists 57 crimes for which people can be sentenced to life in prison. In addition, Michigan has automatic life without parole sentences for first degree murder and other crimes, and continues to sentence people convicted of serious crimes for many, many years longer than other states. And while we also believe in the ability for ALL people to be redeemed, this bill does not address people serving life. Other legislation called Second Look is addressing those charges.

    • We know from our collective experience working/ living in the system for decades, that the people who have done the most work on themselves, the people who have changed their lives completely, are often those who are convicted of crimes that make us feel uncomfortable or afraid as a society. We know that it’s the long termers who become pillars of the communities inside, we want them pillars of the community outside.

    • If we are going to address mass incarceration, we absolutely have to include crimes of violence. Even people who have done great harm are redeemable.

    • Overwhelmingly. Correctional officers across the country describe Good Time as their single greatest tool to help maintain good order in the facility.

    • We’ve spoken to law enforcement, sheriffs, and CO’s around the state who believe that Good Time would change the MDOC overnight. Without incentives for people to do better, and hope to go home, prisons become more violent, and see more instances of substance use, staff assault, and other infractions.

    • There are over 1,000 openings for correctional officers in MDOC– not to mention other positions. People do not want these (good paying) jobs because of the atmosphere of hopelessness and trauma inside the system.

Meet the team behind the movement.

Meet the team behind the movement.

We are here because of our shared commitment, collective passion, and an unshakable belief in the power of justice.

Behind every successful initiative, there are dedicated partners whose commitment and collaboration are indispensable.


In the News

Stay informed about the latest developments and updates regarding Michigan's 'Good Time' program right here in our news section. We're dedicated to keeping you in the loop on all matters related to this important initiative.

  • "understand it's not a lack of staff, it's too many people incarcerated with no opportunities to shorten their egregious sentences. It's Time for Good Time!

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  • Good Time Makes Good Sense” Initiative Could Reduce Michigan’s Lengthy Prison Sentences

    When people think of Michigan they think about the Great Lakes, which allow the state to outrank all others in freshwater supply. However…

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  • Michigan Group Advocates for Return of 'Good Time Credit' in Prisons

    There's an effort to bring back Michigan's "Good Time Credit" for people in prison. A group right now is…

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  • Good Behavior Bills Could Mean Shorter Sentences in Michigan

    A pair of bills introduced in the State House would allow the Michigan Department of Corrections to shave time off of prisoners' sentences for good behavior…

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  • New Bill Aims to Create Incentive for Inmates to Earn Time Off Their Sentence

    A new Senate bill has been introduced to bring a good time credit system back to the Michigan Department of Corrections. If passed…

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  • Michigan’s Prison Crisis

    Two weeks ago, I watched my colleague and friend stand straight-shouldered before a judge as she told him, with a stroke of her pen, that he was not worth anything to society for the next 17 years..

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Let’s Connect.

Reach out, whether you have questions, comments, or valuable insights to share regarding the 'Good Time' initiative in Michigan. Feel free to get in touch if you're interested in joining our Coalition and contributing to our collective efforts.

Now is time to bring back Good Time.

Now is time to bring back Good Time.

There’s a ballot initiative. We have until April 30th, 2024 to get signatures. Sign today.